Craig Huey:
Believer and Entrepreneur Restoring the American Dream

Prepare Yourself for 2024!
This book will help educate you on the current economic landscape, advise you on how to protect your family and encourage you on how to vote with values.

Craig A. Huey
Craig is the author of The Christian Voter, The Deep State, The New Multichannel Integrated Marketing: 29 Trends for Creating a MUltichannel Integrated Campaign to Boost Your Profits Now, and 23 Equity Crowdfunding Secrets to Raising Capital.
Craig is a nationally recognized political commentator, speaker, author, economics expert, award-winning small business owner, and marketing consultant who regularly appears on national news outlets such as Fox, C-Span, and radio networks and podcasts nationwide.
Over the years Craig has earned an international reputation as a
business and marketing consultant to a variety of clients, embracing all facets of our economy. He is known for his skill in leading nationwide business seminars, as well as creating business initiatives for his clients resulting in multimillion-dollar successes.