Craig Huey:

Believer and Entrepreneur Restoring the American Dream

Prepare Yourself for 2024!

This book will help educate you on the current economic landscape, advise you on how to protect your family and encourage you on how to vote with values.

Craig Huey: Believer and Entrepreneur
Restoring the American Dream

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The Great Deception by Craig Huey The Great Deception by Craig Huey
The Great Deception by Crai... $16.99
We live in an age of deception. America is in an epic battle… and our freedoms, economy and social structure is on the brink of ruin. But this book gives you a blueprint to rescuing the American Dream. The Great Deception exposes the lies, myths and distortions from the media and politicians. It gives you answers and solutions to turning America around… It gives you the ability to share these dangers and a solution to cutting through the deception with friends and family. It exposes under-the-radar and little known behind the scene reasons America is falling backward and how to make it move forward again.   For example: It gives you new insights into the epic battle of socialism vs. freedom. You’ll be surprised by the realty of our growing economic problems and the way to move us forward The megatrend of the decade AI – what you must know The war on Christianity… the weaponization of government agencies… the Deep State exposed Restoring the election integrity and how to know and stop voter fraud Why politics is different today than 8 years ago What you can do to crush the dangers and turn America around And more… And you’ll discover how to be one step ahead of the key issues impacting this election and your future.
The Christian Voter: How to Vote For, Not Against, Your Values to Transform Culture and Politics The Christian Voter: How to Vote For, Not Against, Your Values to Transform Culture and Politics
The Christian Voter: How to... $16.99
Who should read the book? Every Christian in America Christian pastors Church leaders Youth leaders You will not find another roadmap for Christians on how to vote for, and not against, your values! In this 325-page book, you’ll get concise, easy-to-understand “insight into”… Five reasons all Christians should vote (Chapter 1) Your power to transform culture and politics (Chapter 2) How to strategically limit evil (Chapter 3) The Christian Civil Rights issue of our time (Chapter 4) What happens when Christians don’t exercise their right to vote (Chapter 5) How to not be fooled when voting against a Christian worldview (Chapter 6) The war against Christians in America today (Chapter 7) Protection of Christian Liberty (Chapter 8) Protection of unborn babies (Chapter 9) The big lie! Christians shouldn’t vote because… (Chapter 10) Protection of Israel (Chapter 11) Helping the persecuted church (Chapter 12) Protecting tax exemptions for churches (Chapter 13) Defending homeschooling and Christian schools (Chapter 14) The key to social and political change (Chapter 15) Church ballot harvesting: what it is and how your church can do it (Chapter 16) How to mobilize the Christian vote and change our culture and politics (Chapter 17) Winning the cultural war (Chapter 18) Christians hold the future to the upcoming elections. The key to national, state, and local victory for turning our nation around is if Christians will vote for and not against their values. America has found itself torn between the cultural war against Christianity and how government, at all levels, is being used to undermine people of faith, religious liberties, and key issues important to Christians. This election is about 7 non-negotiables that help determine how Christians should vote. These 7 non-negotiables are based upon the Word of God. They are based on a biblical worldview. They are based on the intersection of faith and politics.
The New Multichannel, Integrated Marketing: 29 Trends for Creating a Multichannel, Integrated Campaign to Boost Your Profits Now The New Multichannel, Integrated Marketing: 29 Trends for Creating a Multichannel, Integrated Campaign to Boost Your Profits Now
The New Multichannel, Integ... $15.99
Business owners and entrepreneurs…You’re losing time, money and opportunity if your marketing and advertising are underperforming. And with all the brand-new advances in generating leads and sales – your current marketing approach could probably be doing much better.But with all the options out there, it’s difficult to know where to begin. Should you use social media? Digital advertising? Or direct mail? Multichannel integrated marketing is the only advertising approach that strategically combines all of these approaches – and more – to help you get supercharged results: - New customers and clients- Increased response rates and great ROI- and skyrocketing profitsYour prospects and leads are strategically targeted with the same powerful offer again and again – across multiple platforms. Now, multichannel marketing guru Craig Huey has written a 252 page comprehensive guide to this revolutionary approach in The New Multichannel, Integrated Marketing: 28 Trends for Creating a Multichannel, Integrated Campaign to Boost Your Profits Now. You’ll discover the secrets to creating a profit-boosting marketing campaign.Based on 40 years of helping businesses get breakthrough success, Craig guides you step-by-step through what you need to know to create a profit-generating, multichannel, integrated marketing campaign. Craig reveals * 12 powerful, strategic keys for Facebook – capturing the attention of your prospects and driving them to a sale * 7 little-known ways to create a “look-alike” audience that looks, behaves and buys just like your very best customer * The surprising “Old School” marketing approach that will win you leads and generate profits like never before * 11 cutting-edge strategies to use on Amazon advertising for reaching responsive new prospects on the world’s largest online retailer * The most comprehensive set of guidelines you’ll ever read on direct response copy – 50 rules and 6 formulas to writing content that gets your prospects to say “YES” * 4 powerful strategies for custom list targeting domination – reaching your “perfect prospects” who will buy from you again and again * 21 no-fail guidelines for creating impactful, response-producing video Craig has used these strategies and keys to turn small startups into medium-sized business and medium-sized business into multimillion dollar corporations… win 90 industry awards…and run 1,000+ campaigns and 10,000 variable tests.
THE DEEP STATE:   15 Surprising Dangers You Should Know THE DEEP STATE:   15 Surprising Dangers You Should Know
THE DEEP STATE: 15 Surpri... $15.95
Liberal media likes to tell you “the Deep State doesn’t exist.” They’ll tell you it’s a fabrication, a lie created by the Trump Administration. But that’s exactly how the Deep State operates – with hidden motives and false pretenses. Their intent is for you to be ignorant of the truth, so they can grow their power and resist anyone that disagrees with their progressive agenda. In The Deep State: 15 Surprising Dangers You Should Know author and speaker on Fox News Craig Huey reveals shocking truths and appalling evidence of dangerous Deep State influence In our nation. You’ll learn: The 3 dangerous strategies the Deep State uses to advance its power at your expense The Deep State’s #1 most powerful tool to promote its ideological agenda – established under the Obama administration How our government’s intelligence agencies – designed to protect national security – have been politicized and weaponized by the Deep State. And more…. Craig will also explain how you can help transform our nation with pro-freedom, pro- free market and pro-family values.

Craig A. Huey

Craig is the author of The Christian Voter, The Deep State, The New Multichannel Integrated Marketing: 29 Trends for Creating a MUltichannel Integrated Campaign to Boost Your Profits Now, and 23 Equity Crowdfunding Secrets to Raising Capital.

Craig is a nationally recognized political commentator, speaker, author, economics expert, award-winning small business owner, and marketing consultant who regularly appears on national news outlets such as Fox, C-Span, and radio networks and podcasts nationwide.

Over the years Craig has earned an international reputation as a
business and marketing consultant to a variety of clients, embracing all facets of our economy. He is known for his skill in leading nationwide business seminars, as well as creating business initiatives for his clients resulting in multimillion-dollar successes.

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